Thursday, November 3, 2011

i think we just went way past complicated

It’s been a little over two months since I arrived in Utah. I’ve since quit one job to focus on the second job. New Haven has been more than I ever expected it would be. It’s stressful, scary, and demanding. It’s the first job I’ve ever had that I don’t mind waking up at six in the morning for and the first job that I hate to leave when the day is over. I think the girls are teaching me more than I could ever teach them. I’m such a lucky girl.
I’ve been missing my family and my Arielle a lot lately. I have to talk to my mom and Arielle every day or I get too homesick. It’s so strange not having them here with me. I know I need to be a big girl and live my own life, but they were my life for so long.
Did I mention that it snowed just a few days ago? I swear it went from perfect fall weather to three inch snow on the ground right in front of my eyes..

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