Thursday, April 14, 2011

practice makes perfect... orsoi'veheard.

Here is yet another blog about my running endeavors...

It's been seven days, more or less, since I started running around my neighborhood. Every day I venture out with my new shoes, my ipod, and an attempt at a positive attitude. I never knew how not good at running I really was until recently. After the first day and the first mile I could barely breathe. I'm sure my neighbors are thinking, "why is this girl, who seems to be merely walking at a fast pace, acting as if she's sprinted through a marathon."

But it's okay though. I can see a little improvement. I've lost a minute from my mile time and I can run a mile without stopping. Which makes me happier than it should.

That's all for now. I hope you all have a blessed day! <3

1 comment:

  1. You have no idea how bad at running I am too, miss you girl!

