Wednesday, January 15, 2014

the girl with the tendency to ...

Lose two cars in less than six months.
With one car getting towed and costing me far too much two days before it hits its grave permanently.
Welcome to my life.
The good news is.
My sweet Arielle had her very first baby this past week.
Ethan Atlas Borcik.
He’s perfectly, perfectly perfect.
Seeing her and her sweet husband love this tiny little human brings my heart more joy than I knew to be possible.
Happy Wednesday, friends.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

families are forever

“And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things of the world, and seek for things of a better.”

I read that in church this past Sunday. The following Monday I would be making my way to Georgia. And that Tuesday my mom would follow the footsteps of our dear Savior and be baptized. My heart is too full. Not only was I able to be there to witness it all, but I got to see my sweet nephews, niece and siblings - It's been two years since I've seen them last! Did I mention that I had lunch at Zaxby’s the first chance I got? It was just as good as I remember. The humidity, however, wasn't what I was expecting. It was a sweet reunion - one that I'll be forever grateful for.
Georgia will forever have a place in my heart. But it’s good to be back with these mountains I now call home.

Happy Saturday, Friends.  Tell your family you love them today!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

measure your life in love.

I had this one staff who, every day at lunch, would have everyone say their “tops”; for the week, the day, or even the hour. Just some things that made them happy and that stood out for them. I think those memories, those good times we choose to hold on to, are what help us to make it through the times we aren't too happy about. 
Here you go, y’all. My tops for the week:
Those clean sheets.
That first Utah thunderstorm.
Long hair, she don’t care. But seriously. My long hair puts a smile on my face.
A home cooked meal.
Water balloon volley ball, kickball with a slip-n-slide home base, and pool time with my girls.
Hearing my niece and nephew say my name in their sweet voices.
Having ninja’s as neighbors who gladly climb to my third floor balcony when I lock myself out of my apartment.
Warm summer breezes.
Harry Potter marathons.
Fourth of July parade, park date, movie date, and fireworks.
My sweet sister and her cutie-pie husband who joined in on the movie date!
48 days until my TF gets married.
Be happy, friends. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

you were good to us, cali.

     I’d like you all to know that if I had the choice. I’d be a beach bum for my whole life. Being barefoot is my way of life – but being barefoot on the beach is Heaven on Earth. Reading, laying out, having the ocean waves fill my heart. Life truly can’t get much better than that. Except for when you’re lucky like me and you have six of the best people to enjoy it all with. I don’t remember the last time I’ve laughed that much before in my life. Staying where we stayed made me feel like I was home again. It was a beautiful trip; a trip that my heart has been waiting for far too long.
     At work each morning we make goals for the day and then we say a value that we want to work on. For the past few weeks my value has been Happiness. I keep searching for it and sometimes I feel like I have my fingers so close to grasping it, but then I lose it. What I took from this trip is that what I need to be happy is to fill my life with more of the people that make me laugh. People that are full of the light of Christ and that are so willing to give and to love.
                                               Stay happy, friends. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

sunday funday

Attack-by-roommates as a mode of alarm clock might seem like a bad idea – and will seem that way until ones heart calms down from the unnecessary startle so early in the AM – but how grateful I am for those ladies. After that initial shock, I took a little road trip to the great city that is Salt Lake to drop off our dear Kasface. Italia needs her more than we do. Or maybe not. Maybe that’s a lie I tell myself because I’m fully aware that this apartment can’t be as witty and hilariously commented without that beautiful girl. Our trip back was full of Disney songs that my heart has missed more than I knew to be possible.
Sundays are just my most favorite day. Church makes my week of craziness feel worth it. Naps are guaranteed to wash away my worries. Hours are spent with beautiful and interesting people that I’ve come to know and love.
I hope your Sunday has been all of that and much more, friends.

Happy Sunday!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.”
D & C 18:10

Let’s all do well to be aware of our individual worth and the worth of those around us this week. It’s the least we can do.

Happy Sunday, Y’all.